الوصف والعرض
يعاني الكثير منا بمشاكل مختلفة في الشعر مثل تساقط الشعر بغزارة وتجعيد الشعر وضعف في بصيلات الشعر وتقصف اطراف الشعر مما يؤثر علي المظهر العام ويكون ذلك نتيجة اسباب عدة منها نقص في البروتين والفيتامينات المغذية للشعر او التعرض للاتربة واشعة الشمس الحارقة وايضا استخدام مكواة الشعر بصورة سيئة او نقص في المناعة او التعرض بشدة لضغوطات الحياة والعمل
وللحفاظ علي الشعر وجماله ومنع تساقط الشعر وجعله دائما براقا ولامعا ننصح باستخدام احد منتجات مجموعة العناية بالشعرنتير سير شامبو
حيث انه يحتوي علي تركيبة فريدة ومتطورة وطبيعية من الكافيين الذي يمنع تساقط الشعر ويساعد علي نمو الشعر بنسبة تصل الي 40 % كما انه يمنع الاضرار التي تلحق ببصيلات الشعر ويحتوي ايضا علي زيوت طبيعية وفيتامينات مثل زيت الصبار وزيت الزيتون وزيت جوز الهند وزيت اللوز الحلو وزيت الالوفيرا وايضا يحتوي علي فيتامين عديدة منها ايه وبي وسي التي تعمل علي تغذية الشعر ونمو الشعر ومنع تقصف الشعر وتسهيل تمشيط الشعر وفك التشابك وجعله براقا ولامعا .
طريقة الاستخدام
يتم وضع كمية مناسبة من نتير سيرعلي الشعر المبلل او فروة الراس ثم تدلك برفق ثم يترك لبضع دقائق ثم يشطف بالماء
حماية من تساقط الشعر ونمو الشعر بصورة طبيعية وجعل الشعر اكثر نعومة ولامعا وبراقا
Rosemary oil
rosemary essential oil strengthens circulation. As a result, it could prevent hair follicles from being starved of blood supply, dying off, and leading to hair loss.
promote nerve growth , This ability to heal nerve endings may rejuvenate nerves in the scalp too, in turn possibly restoring hair growth.
improve circulation
Olive Extract
Olive extract has smoothing and shine-enhancing qualities that are particularly important when it comes to caring for hair Olive leaf extract is moisturizing and works to hydrate hair from deep within the hair follicle while adding incredible luster
Neutralizes the PH level
Olive leaf extract shampoo and conditioner is pH balancing, helping to soothe the scalp and ends of the hair which may be damaged by colors, heat, products, and pollution. This gives hair the opportunity to grow and repair itself without harsh chemicals.
Encourages hair growth
Our hair growth cycles are impacted by a number of factors including age, genetics, hormones, and diet. When studied in mice, olive leaf extract was found to increase both the size and the number of hair follicle , leading to more growth of thicker, fuller hair.
Reduces split ends and fly-aways
Olive leaf extract shampoo and conditioner makes an amazing treatment for thin, brittle hair. The rich compounds inside olive leaf extract strengthen from the follicles to the ends, so hair is less likely to split.
Jojoba Extract
protection against dryness, breakage, and split ends.
moisturize the scalp and may be a dandruffremedy.
Jojoba is rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish hair
jojoba oil can prevent hair lossand promote hair thickness. The idea behind this is that the oil moisturizes hair follicles, which prevents dryness that leads to hair loss.
Jojoba Extract
protection against dryness, breakage, and split ends.
moisturize the scalp and may be a dandruffremedy.
Jojoba is rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish hair
jojoba oil can prevent hair lossand promote hair thickness. The idea behind this is that the oil moisturizes hair follicles, which prevents dryness that leads to hair loss.
Aloe Vera extract
Deep cleans oily hair
Aloe Vera cleanses the hair shaft efficiently, stripping off extra sebum Trusted Source (oil) and residue from other hair products.
But aloe vera doesn’t hurt your hair strands while it cleans. Unlike other chemicals in hair products, aloe vera is gentle and preserves the integrity of your hair.
Strengthens and repairs hair strands
Aloe Vera contains vitamins A, C, and E. All three of these vitamins contribute to cell turnover, promoting healthy cell growth and shiny hair.
Vitamin B12 and folic acid are also contained in aloe vera gel. Both of these components can keep your hair from falling out
Rosemary oil
rosemary essential oil strengthens circulation. As a result, it could prevent hair follicles from being starved of blood supply, dying off, and leading to hair loss.
promote nerve growth , This ability to heal nerve endings may rejuvenate nerves in the scalp too, in turn possibly restoring hair growth.
improve circulation
Olive Extract
Olive extract has smoothing and shine-enhancing qualities that are particularly important when it comes to caring for hair Olive leaf extract is moisturizing and works to hydrate hair from deep within the hair follicle while adding incredible luster
Neutralizes the PH level
Olive leaf extract shampoo and conditioner is pH balancing, helping to soothe the scalp and ends of the hair which may be damaged by colors, heat, products, and pollution. This gives hair the opportunity to grow and repair itself without harsh chemicals.
Encourages hair growth
Our hair growth cycles are impacted by a number of factors including age, genetics, hormones, and diet. When studied in mice, olive leaf extract was found to increase both the size and the number of hair follicle , leading to more growth of thicker, fuller hair.
Reduces split ends and fly-aways
Olive leaf extract shampoo and conditioner makes an amazing treatment for thin, brittle hair. The rich compounds inside olive leaf extract strengthen from the follicles to the ends, so hair is less likely to split.
Jojoba Extract
protection against dryness, breakage, and split ends.
moisturize the scalp and may be a dandruffremedy.
Jojoba is rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish hair
jojoba oil can prevent hair lossand promote hair thickness. The idea behind this is that the oil moisturizes hair follicles, which prevents dryness that leads to hair loss.
Aloe Vera extract
Deep cleans oily hair
Aloe Vera cleanses the hair shaft efficiently, stripping off extra sebum Trusted Source (oil) and residue from other hair products.
But aloe vera doesn’t hurt your hair strands while it cleans. Unlike other chemicals in hair products, aloe vera is gentle and preserves the integrity of your hair.
Strengthens and repairs hair strands
Aloe Vera contains vitamins A, C, and E. All three of these vitamins contribute to cell turnover, promoting healthy cell growth and shiny hair.
Vitamin B12 and folic acid are also contained in aloe vera gel. Both of these components can keep your hair from falling out
طريقة الاستخدام
يتم رش بخة مرتين او ثلاث مرات داخل الفم وتكرر 3 مرات يوميا
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